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12TH AUGUST 2019



The United Nations General Assembly, in 1999, has designated 12th August as International Youth Day. It serves as a celebration towards the contribution or roles of young women and men in the country as well as raising the awareness of challenges and problems they are facing in the world today.

The theme for International Youth Day in 2019 is ‘Transforming Education’ where it highlights the importance of education. To achieve this theme, there must be a dedicated effort from all people worldwide, organizations, and youth themselves to ensure that youth nowadays are equipped with valuable equal education. As we know, education plays a pivotal role in accelerating progress across all development goals. For example, poverty eradication, good health, gender equality, decent work, and growth to create a peaceful society and country to live in.

In conjunction with International Youth Day, we have prepared a list of reading materials on youth.


Article By:

Name: Elizabeth Zaitol

Course: Industrial Training (IMC690)


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Quote of The Day

"I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book." – Benedict Cumberbatch

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