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Do you know of anybody who have committed or attempted suicide? Suicidal incidents are often unpredictable, and it might occur among our family members, friends or acquaintances. The United Nation has declared that 10th September is ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’.

Suicide cases are on the increase every year. According to a statement issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), “close to 800 000 people die due to suicide every year and it is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds”.  Based on the reported number, it shows that more people who taking their own life and what is more worrying is that there are still many people who attempt suicide. It is understood that these tragedies are due to several factors; individual, relationship, community and societal factors.

The theme set for this year is ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’. People contemplating suicide because they feel hopeless and worthless should get proper help. They should be reminded that there is always hope of living a happy life and to receive help. One simple kind gesture to do this is to light a candle near your window to show your support, to remember a lost loved one, and for the survivors of suicide at 08.00pm on 10 September 2019.

Therefore, in conjunction with this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day, we have a listed a few books related to the subject, and to remind all that Life is precious.



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Quote of The Day

"I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book." – Benedict Cumberbatch

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